Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It feels like Christmas morning!

I am so excited for today, I have been waiting, crossing off the days on the calendar and finally today is the day. Why and what am I so excited over? The Little Treasure consignment sale. I've heard AMAZING things about this sale. So I have been pumped about this sale for quite some time. The best part is, since I am a new mommy, we get a chance to shop before all the other mommies! Since my mom's friend gave us a pack n play that she didn't want, I am hoping to score a playpen, a decent diaper bag that isn't the size of a suitcase or smaller than a clutch purse. And Benjamin needs some summer clothes and cute swimming trunks!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

dressing phobia

The Monkey has developed this new phobia of getting dressed. As I put his shirt or onsie on over his head, he holds his breath and his arms and legs go wild. You would think he was going through the birth canal. Except instead of a 10 centimeter hole to squueze through, he had a spacious exit via a c-section.

So looks like he has a dressing phobia. Lovely, my boy doesn't like getting dressed.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Its Been Awhile...again

My goal of updating the blog hasn't gone over so well. So here is a quick update on things:

What Little B has been up to:
*2 month shots went great, except for the 102 fever he had afterwards. (He weighed 11 lbs, 11 oz! Right on track!)
*his hands, greatest thing to chew on
*laughing in his sleep **
*smiles when he sees me
*almost sleeping through the night! I put him to bed around 9pm and he wakes up around 4am, I give him his pacifier and he goes back to sleep. He wakes up around 5am and I feed him and then he sleeps until 7 or 8am. Not too bad! I am actually stating to feel like a normal person! Amazing what sleep can do :)

Other than that and growing, the little man is a happy clam, except for when he is hungry. You would think I am starving to poor baby with the way he screams!

Anyway,that is the update for now. I'm sure our lives will become much more interesting in the coming months and will have more stories to share.