Sunday, November 21, 2010

Time for an update...

We have been very busy over here with walking, running, writing articles and growing baby sister! Benjamin is walking and running. He took his first steps while at my great-grandparent's house about a month ago. He is still a little unsure, but everyday he seems to gain more confidence and is even discovered running. Which has lead us to our first busted lip; left two tooth marks on the window sill. He can feed himself with a spoon, though very messy he enjoys it! First birthday is also approaching quickly! How can my baby be almost one??

Baby sister, who now has a name: Meredith Grace is busy growing and kicking the heck out of me. I've gained about 14 pounds so far and she is sitting high. Back and hip pain have sent me to the couch with a heating pad half way through the day (so with any luck, I may have time to update the blog more!) for about an hour during Benjamin's nap. Her room is coming along and pretty much complete, still need to take some pictures. So stay tuned for that. And belly pictures, poor lil girl will have no idea what I looked like while pregnant with her. She will have to refer to the weekly belly pictures of her brother. I really wish I had taken some since I am carrying her so differently. Sorry, Meredith!

Working from home is going great, I have been writing about 4 articles a day Monday through Friday. This will allow me to put money towards bills for the current month and save for when Meredith arrives. So far, if all goes well (and looks like its on track) I will have enough money saved up to pay bills for 5 months. I hope that I can get back to writing before five months is up, but I wanted to be able to have enough in case taking care of two little ones will be much more than I can handle with writing.

Well, that is the update for now. We are currently waiting for Alan's parents and brother to get here from FL. to spend Thanksgiving with us. His sister is flying in this week too, it will be good to see everyone and have some fun while they are here. Plus, my dear hubby who has worked his tail off  working 6-7 days a week for the past two, almost three months has the entire week off!!! :) Benjamin and I couldn't be happier!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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